Monday, March 14, 2011

"And it was all like, 'LIFE'...."

Once upon a time, there was a self-decribed "crazy kid" named Amanda Wong. She was interesting, but confusing to most people. However, she considered herself hardworking and determined- making up for all of her other flaws/quirks.

She was walking along one day, when a brick fell out of the sky and hit her on the head. It had a big word painted on it- "LIFE". Yes, she was literally hit on the head by life. As I said earlier, Amanda was very quirky. One of her qualities was that she was superstitious. Being a fool, she took this brick as a sign from the heavens that she should be doing something with her life. She ran quickly to a certain school's College and Career Center and decided to sign up for every scholarship and competition that she thought she could win. Why? No one knows. She just wanted to do something with her life.

(I really really hate forms right now. Even though I'm not applying to colleges yet, I get a constant flood of emails and letters. It's flattering, but I'm really sick of having to shred piles of letters every night. Really. And my email inbox? Don't even mention that. I'm so glad colleges can't/won't send messages to us through Facebook)

But 3 weeks later, Amanda decided she was suffering. She was sick of competitions and scholarships and colleges and life and stress. Luckily, all her forms were turned in and the stress was supposedly over. She, in a fit of rage against the system, decided that she was going to try to enjoy life from outside, not from her desk with all of her paperwork. This led to arguments with her parents over priorities and ended up with Amanda watching stupid movies and eating cookies and gaining weight and wondering if she was really fulfilling her life purpose or not.

It is now the day after that horrible loser lazy day, and Amanda has decided that she was better accustomed to overwork and stress. She is taking donations for a Washington D.C. convention that her parents have decided they are not paying for and is cosidering getting an internship or job for the summer.

Moral of the story? Life moves fast. Get a job.

1 comment:

Rverma said...

Hope you didn't suffer blunt force trauma. Or get cyberbullied.