Sunday, July 26, 2009

Can we really trust?

There are people out there that are worthy to be called decent. The realism of this though is that there is a small percentage of those decent people. It is so hard to find a true friend out here in this crazy world. You never know what type of people you are dealing with. Finding that right person to build a relationship with takes a long time. Believe me. People can be fake and trick you into thinking that they are good. Thank God that this isn't true for everyone, but to find the diamond you have to dig deep in the earth, you know what I'm saying?

I am fortunate that I have 2 really great friends that will always be there for me and I can go to them when I need help. Friends these days can end up either not for real or can change into people that you didn't become friends with at first. It does take an effort to find and keep that true friendship. Sometimes it's not so hard. Maybe you and one person just click and BOOM!, you are best friends! That is the best in the world! Seriously! You got lucky, but that doesn't happen for everyone.

All I'm saying is to take your time and don't rush into things with another person. Sit back and obverse and you will find out if you really feel like making a relationship with the individual.


Emily said...

Yeah that is so true. I only have a few real friends, but they are great and I trust them!
: D

RHS Flash said...

I have learned in three people know something, a secret is gone and there is no trust. Better to find that one true friend. But not easy. Love your thoughfulness. cn

Amanda C. said...

Your words are soo true, as I have especially discovered this summer. One of my favorite quotes would agree:

"Love all, trust few, do wrong to none"-Shakespeare.