It flashed on the screen after a commercial break, precariously placed in the center of my TV screen: Barack Obama Elected 44th President of the United States.
I know the election will soon be over-chewed on this blog, but I want to express my newfound pride in my country. Let me specify-- my home country, NOT my home state. But that's a different story.
That we, the United States, could rise to this occasion, that we could come together and elect a man to the position of president who is unlike any before him-- this I am proud of.
Why this was possible has been and will be analyzed over and over again, I am sure. Perhaps Americans are sick of the war. Perhaps we're willing to take a gamble (the gamble being because Obama's been in the public eye for so little time) simply because we can't handle our current Administration any longer. Simply stated, they have failed us.
But here we are, only 143 years after slavery was abolished, 138 years after African Americans earned the right to vote-- and we have one as our president.
This I am proud of.
However, (disregarding his color completely) what he represents brings even more hope to my heart.
He has already, just in this race, brought people together. He has a calm strength about him, one that greatly appeals to a country that needs, more than anything, someone to hold on to. We are in peril in so many ways, and we need an honest, fair president to bring us through.
We have chosen to place our trust in Obama, and this is wisely done in my opinion.
His speech was awe-inspiring, his promises great and all-inclusive.
With the Bush administration, we were told to stand back, the government would make the desicions. As a result, we're a divided country going down economically, and it's getting worse by the day.
As Obama said in his speech, "These challenges are not all of government's making. But the failure to respond is a direct result of a broken politics in Washington and the failed policies of George W. Bush."
I have hope. For the first time, I am proud to be an American under what soon will be the Obama Administration.
As this transition takes place, Obama will choose his cabinet. He will be guarded by the best protection the US has to offer during this transition that will be so difficult for a country so stuck in its ways.
And we will see, after 8 years of misery, how Barack Obama will prove himself. We will see how he lives up to his promises of a better life for all of us.
And I'm truly ecstatic to watch it happen.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
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