Friday, November 21, 2008

Patience- are we losing it?

It's easy to get frustruated and lose patience. This week I think I've really realized how patience can make or break a situation. For instance, my friend was patiently teaching me a concept and helped me understand it, even though she already knew it. Coaches patiently try to explain a new drill to their team. Well, at first it is a patient approach. Hahaha. Living in a busy and dynamic household with a large family, I have to exercise patience all the time.

On the other hand, I think some things instill impatience. I am a big texter and instant messager. For sure, I use the internet every day- from homework to myspace. Perhaps instant results of technology of any form- not just the internet- are creating an impatient mentality on users. All it takes is a second to send a text and a second to lose your cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't lose patience that often because I constantly lose track of time. Time goes by faster then I can realise, and once I think about it all, I feel that I have done so little. It makes me feel that I need to make my life more meaningful and make every day count.
Maybe instead of getting impatient and frustrated over small things everyone should just take some time to think about all the larger things in life.