Thursday, November 6, 2008


On November 5, 2008, I left 3rd block early to go to an appointment I had in Sacramento. This appointment was to officially receieve my certificate of citzenship for the United States. I've been living in the U.S. as a permanent resident since 2000, when I moved here from Toronto, Canada. It was a laborious process, I'm sure, but because I was only 9 I don't really remember that much about it.
I think you have to live in the U.S. for something like 5 years before you can even apply to be a citizen. And let me tell you, it is one of heck of a process. The forms you need to fill out (N-600) are extremely tedious and I had to fill one out for myself, my brother, and after my dad gave me all his information, I filled his out as well. Not to mention that the processing fee is rather expensive. I experienced my fair share of frustrations during the long process, but I think the final result is clearly worth it.
Technically, I became a U.S. citizen back in June, when my dad was sworn in as a citizen (so many people fit into one room, so many lines, and lots and lots of waiting) because once one of your parents becomes a citizen, it automatically makes you, as their child a citizen. But I didn't have any proof that I was actually a citizen. So that's what happened yesterday.
I went to the immigration office in Sacramento, waited around, worked on some Econ, and finally they called me, my brother, and my dad into an office.
They basically just asked some really arbitrary questions to double check that all the info I put on my N-600 forms was indeed correct. And after that process (it took longer than it would seem), I was asked to say an oath, swearing that I would remain loyal to the U.S. and not to any other country.

Needless to say, I don't really feel any different. But it's actually comforting to know that I'm officially a citizen now and I can say that I am American (because you could totally I wasn't before, right?).


RHS Flash said...

Wow... I had no idea. I am so happy for you, and proud. You are an asset to the class, the school, and this country. Wow.

rebecca/vanessa said...

awww...very exciting :)