Thursday, November 8, 2012

Looking to the clouds for inspiration

This is a random picture of me from 7th grade (yeah I was weird, still am just in a different way haha) It is a rainy, cloudy, some would say gloomy(I think it is beautiful) day and I cannot help but feel inspired. With all my hard tests over, a 3 day weekend in the midst, and holiday season right around the corner, I couldn't be happier. Although the one thing this weather does bring around, is a huge big dose of nostalgia. Which for me is inspirational, I have had so many great friends and memories from high school and when I look at old pictures and think back to this time freshman or sophomore year I feel so happy. The bad thing about nostalgia is that you also miss what has changed, but I'm always one for seeing the bigger picture and I know change is good. It is just so alien to me how I can literally have different close friends every year, a new 'clique'(hardly even that) every year. Of course I always manage to hang on to one best friend. But one time I got a fortune that said I will never make long lasting relationships. And so far it has been completely true. I have never been best friends with someone for more than a few years. Something always happens, change always ruins it all. But of course, with my current best friend Megan we have not had any trouble, but for that matter, it is because we do not hang out NEARLY as much as me and my old best friends did. So I wonder, why it is I struggle at making strong friendships last(most people might say it isn't my fault) but that never stops me from thinking. People change drastically in high school, but sometimes I'm not sure if that is why we don't stay friends. Sometimes I think it might be Summer, everything is different after Summer, new classes, new clothes, new friends. Every single year. The only consistency I have had throughout my high school carreer has been journalism. It is quite safe to say, that writing has quite literally kept me sane through high school. The power of writing my thoughts and sharing my opinion through words has had an unbelievable impact on my life. So it is without further ado I thank Mr.Nichols and anyone this year or in past years(julie, amanda, mason, natalie, marc,rahul, liz, aubrey, juliette, shelby) that has been awesome to me and made this my favorite class by far. I love you guys! and I love journalism! :D

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