Friday, November 20, 2009


I have been waiting for break for so long, and now I only have to wait 2 more class periods. School certainly has its high points, but it can be tiring, to say the least. I just want a chance to relax and have nothing that I have to get done for a little while.
Of course, I do still have to finish up some college applications and will have a little bit of homework. But I intend to be proactive and will get everything done over the weekend, maybe a little bit on Monday too. I guess we'll see how that goes.
And of course, I cannot leave out the food. Thanksgiving food is the best! I get to go to my Grandma's on Thursday and she is pretty much the best cook I know. The food may not be super healthy(plenty of butter) but its sooooo goooooood. So yeah, I intend to have a good time. Have a great break everyone!

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