Monday, July 5, 2010

The Last Airbender...?

So it's July of summer (already), and mine's been extremely laid back, to say the least. I've been sitting at home with my brother and watching copious amounts of television (Glee and Vampire Diaries, anyone?), doing the occasional community service, and hanging out with friends. Most recently, I watched the new movie The Last Airbender celebration of my friend's sixteenth birthday.

At around five in the afternoon, my friend and I went to the mall, extremely hyped up for the premiere. We bought t-shirts with Aang the Airbender (who is the main character of the movie) on it for twenty-two dollars. I wasn't too excited about the price, but I figured it would be worth it. It was the midnight premiere.

We headed to the movie theatre around nine or nine-thirty, and sat in the long line in the middle of the parking lot for about two hours. We eventually made our way inside the theatre and began the birthday celebration: balloons, an inflatable monkey, cake, singing happy birthday, etc. (the people in front of us were extremely annoyed). The anticipation for the beginning of the movie grew, and everyone cheered when the lights finally dimmed and the movie began. That's when I knew I had made a mistake.

If you've ever watched the show on Nickelodeon, you would know that the name of the Airbender is Aang, not Ahng. And he's the Avatar, not the Ahvatar. Multiple names were butchered in pronunciation, and as the movie progressed, the storyline continued to fail. I can't even give you a detailed summary of the story because it was massacred so badly. I was lost and confused, and the plot was not connected as a whole. I fell asleep at least ten times before I was punched or shoved awake, and when the credits finally rolled, I was upset.

I left the movie theatre disgruntled, but immediately cheered up when we drove to Jack in the Box at three-thirty in the morning to pick up fries, burgers, and Oreo shakes. When I arrived home, however, reality had began to set in. I'm no movie critic; rather, I'm usually pretty gentle with movies. But this one was simply a shame to watch. The twenty-two dollars (plus tax) I had spent on the shirt was utterly wasted. So was the twelve I paid for my ticket.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is: Am I the only one who thought that the movie deserved a big red question mark at its end?


Devin M. said...

I just saw that movie two nights ago and i completely agree, it was a major waste of money. The movie was butchered, they left out major character, you didn't get to know any of the characters, the action wasn't that good, and ya, honestly, what is ahng?

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen it yet, but I heard from several people as well that the movie sucked majorly. I don't think I will even waste my time thinking about seeing it.

Michelle said...

That's funny, cause I was thinking of seeing it with my brother. Never mind!!

Chelsea Y said...

I love the tv show! But I did hear that the movie wasn't that good which is kind of disappointing