Thursday, July 29, 2010


I don't know about anyone else but I love Starbucks Frappachino's!! Maybe it is just the double roasting of the beans that I like. Anyway, I usually just get the plain kind with no special sauce or whipped cream because they have upped the price. I think a large caramel is $5.10. What a rip off. You could buy 3 bars of dark chocolate for that. But, I was looking for cappuchino makers today for no reason when I came upon a frappachino maker! It makes the exact same thing but you can make it however you want. It's by Mr.Coffee and it got good reviews on Amazon so I think I might have to buy it. The Frappe maker is 80 dollars at Target, which is kind of pricey, but well worth the money if you're addicted like me and would use it all the time.


Holly said...

Yummmm, I think that would be a good investment.

Chelsea Y said...

I like the different colors on this post....haha