Monday, July 5, 2010

Camera Phone

I have a digital camera. But it's not always with me. My phone on the other And sometimes there's just moments that definitely need capturing. The other day our pool was doin something funky and made all this foam/bubble stuff at the top. I thought it looked pretty cool so I snapped a shot or two. ...And I'll just say that the picture never turns out as good as the real thing. But with some editing, it comes close.

So, I will give you the before: and the after:

Much, much better. This was when I realized I can do some cool things with water pictures, even if it is on my phone. So that is the point of this blog. To show you how cool water shots done with your phone can be after some good ol' fixin'.

Drops on the trampoline: after:

and for my last one. a cup in the process of being washed.

Not my best work, but hey, summer blogging requires three posts. And where else would I find somewhere to show these? You can tell that I clearly have too much time on my hands. But sometimes I just wish you could see simple things the way I see them. That is why I photograph.


Kacy said...

Okay, I officially fail at blogging.

RHS Flash said...

I think this absolutely rocks. I hope you do more. Nichols

Chelsea Y said...

Those are really good pictures, I like the pool ones