Thursday, January 28, 2010

Who are we to judge?

It is human nature to judge others. Whether its because their style is different than yours, or because you don't agree with the choices they make, everyone judges. I will admit that I have done my fair share of judging, sometimes without even knowing the situation. Recently I've become friends with a couple people who I used to be extremely judgmental towards, and its got me thinking.
Why do we judge people?
Is it because it makes us feel better about ourselves?
Or is it because we find it entertaining to discuss someone else's faults?

I mean, no one likes being judged, yet we find it perfectly acceptable to judge others.

Well, I'd like to kick this social habit.


natalie said...

as my mom would say... you should make a club!

i would join;)

Anonymous said...

wow what an awesome blog post. this is amazing you deserve extra credit.

ps. i would join too ;)

Elisabeth said...

Holly this is why you are my best friend. You realize your faults and work to overcome them. haha.

RHS Flash said...

These are very mature thoughts. It is the most fundamental call we have to be human, to let go of judgement. But, it's very, very hard. cn

Anonymous said...

What if we're appointed as a legal judge? Can we judge then or are judges not a part of this?