Friday, October 2, 2009

Lovefest 2009

Some people will be heading down to San Francisco this weekend for the LovEvolution parade on Saturday. As I will be working, I don't get the pleasure of attending the massive orgy of dancing, fun, and "love." It's ok. The problem with things like these is that they sound good in theory, but you know what, in reality they aren't. You're not going to get tons of people who are really down for love, peace, respect, tolerance, etc. What you're going to get is a bunch of people seeing an oppurtunity to get drunk and act ridiculous in the "name" of the event. Hopefully in coming years and decades our generation can find something new in culture, philosophy, or just life in general to actually believe and celebrate, rather than pathetically repeat cliches from the past.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Yeah, that's not cool. I don't think it will ever happen soon that a massive event will be without the idiots. It would probably have to be smaller and out of SanFran.