Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I'll Figure it Out

Is stress genetic?
I wonder, because my mom and brother are often up half the night stressing about things that aren't even worth it. But my dad, my other brother, and I rarely ever stress.
People always get mad at me because they always want to have a preset plan, and I tend to take the, "We'll figure it out," approach.
I always just assume things will work out I think, just because they always have.
One day, something is going to go terribly wrong because of my lack of planning skills, and maybe then I'll learn to not just count on things to work out in my favor.
But until then, I'll just make my way through life figuring things out one obstacle at a time.
Mr. Sturgeon says I can blame it on my premature prefrontal cortex. Or something.


Devin M. said...

Haha premature prefrontal cortex? I looked it up... "The prefrontal cortex is one of the first regions to undergo involution in normal aging. Attention is the first cognitive function to suffer from that involution." Haha i still don't get it

Amanda said...

Only Sturgeon would say that, honestly :)
I have him for Dr./Sex Ed, and the class has more psycho-analysis that it does Dr./Sex Ed. But it's fine with me...