Sunday, December 26, 2010


December 25 of the year 2010 was such a joyous and cheerful day that I'm kinda sad it's over. That waking up on Christmas morning feeling is priceless, and hasn't lost it's magic despite my not being a little kid anymore. There was so much cheer and love in my family that day that the presents were just an added bonus. I would have been completely content with just spending the day with my family and loved ones :) But when I unwrapped my new hot pink camera that morning, a smile was permanently attached to my face. Along with this awesome gift I got the new Taylor Swift CD "Speak Now" that I had been dying for, some clothes, rainboots, and tall black boots just to name a few. Oh and how could I forget the shake weight I got?? Haha :) So after presents with just my family in the morning it was time for my grandparents, uncle, and cousins to come over. We spent the afternoon eating and enjoying each others company during this most wonderful time of the year. Seemed to go by so fast this year, and I can't believe 2010 is almost over! But at least the holiday season is still alive with New Year's to look forward to!

1 comment:

Chelsea Y said...

Haha, a shakeweight? That's really funny