Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Murphy's Law in the Holidays

Continuing the pattern of holiday-related posts:

This year, my extended family did not give me any gifts wrapped in boxes or bags. Being older, the gifts that people give me seem to be, generally, much less fun to unwrap. I get a card from each aunt and uncle, with a gift card or money or the like inside. So this year, I was excited when my favorite aunt, the one whom I am partially named for, told me that she had something for me that would break the tradition of my other gifts.

I'll be honest, I miss the old days of tearing apart the wrapping paper, I think all of we older kids do, and watching my three younger cousins, I experienced a wave of nostalgia. But, I reminded myself, even though what I get is not quite as personal or shows all the effort of a gift that someone has picked out or, heaven forbid, a hand-made gift (people just don't put the personal touch into their gifts anymore, and that's a bit sad to me. ah commercialization!) Anyhow! Auntie Britt had told me that she had a wrapped present for me, so I'd have something to unwrap, to add to the pile of discarded holiday paper!

But nope! One of my other Aunts had opened up my present, well, at least she apologized wished me a Merry Christmas when she handed me my unwrapped bracelet?

Haha, ah well, it could have been much worse. A few years ago, when we had all gathered for a cousin's birthday, an uncle decided that the best way to rid us of excess wrapping paper was to throw it into the fireplace. Needless to say, we enjoyed our cake out on the lawn while the fire department made sure things were okay inside. Another Murphy's Law family get-together, another happy Christmas.

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

Well it's certainly environmentally sounder... but you'll find in the not so distant future watching others is as much or more fun. And giving really is a joy (which I think you already know).