Thursday, December 30, 2010


My oldest brother, Ben, he is passionate about baseball. He would rather play baseball then do anything else in the entire world. Time and time again, he has sacrificed his education to jump college to college, all so he can play ball.

I admire him so much for this. He isn't the biggest, or the best, but it is what he loves to do and won't stop at any cost. He keeps trying. Perseveres relentlessly.

My cousin Hope, she is passionate about piano. She only started a little over a year ago, but she is some kind of prodigy I guess.

So, what fuels passion? Do you have to be talented? Or do you just have to love whatever it is you are doing?

I wish I had a passion. Or at least a hobby..

I play tennis, but it is nothing like the way Ben plays baseball. He plays because he lives for it. I play because.... well, to be honest, I don't even know why I play. I'm not even slightly athletic.

I tried to play piano, but practicing felt more like a chore than anything else. I am far from musically inclined.

Hopefully, one day, I will find something that I am both good at, and I enjoy doing.


Amanda C. said...

you're good at journalism, so if you enjoy that you've found yourself a hobby! :)

RHS Flash said...

You have a wealth of talents... the right one just hasn't found you yet. That you are open to the idea will invite your passion home.