Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wisdom Removal

Last Monday, at the beginning of break, I had surgery to have my four wisdom teeth removed. When I woke up with heaps of gauze and blood in my mouth, I was loopy from the sedation drugs. As my mom was taking me home I was staggering around laughing and saying delirious things. I informed my mom that "Drugs are bad" and talked about how there were two of everything and asked if I would get to see the kitties in my barely understandable drugged speech. The nurse said we should have brought a video camera.

Upon our arrival back home, the effects of the sedation began to wear off and the whole situation quickly began to seem less funny to me as the pain started to set in. I sat on the couch, napped, and iced my swollen face that whole day. In the next couple days, my face continued to swell and it took around two days to stop bleeding completely. I didn't take pain pills because they make me nauseous but there wasn't much pain after that first day.

I enjoyed a number of soft foods with my impaired chewing ability. It was all applesauce, ice cream, soup, jello, and yogurt for a few days. I mostly sat around watching movies for quite a while. Though I felt quite lazy and useless that first week of break, it was nice to relax after such a hectic semester.


Rverma said...
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Rverma said...

It's really funny to imagine you on dental drugs.

RHS Flash said...

I can only hope things improved. I had mine out much later in life... and it was awful. So be glad you are done. You write so very well.