Friday, October 7, 2011

You All Are Wrong

No, rain does not have a smell. No, it does not look beautiful outside after it rains. No, I don't want to hear about what you are wearing to school from now on. No, nobody is going to go over to your house to be your "snuggle buddy". Is every teenager delusional? It's becoming ridiculous the obsession kids have with rain and winter. Am I the only who who absolutely HATES it? I don't find the joy and excitement in being poured on with rain, while the wind is making everything ten times colder. Maybe I'm crazy? Maybe I'm the one who is wrong and everyone is right. But personally, I'd rather be wearing shorts and tank tops every day, enjoying the warm sunshine and getting a tan. I feel like we only had a few months of warm weather. The first 2 weeks of my summer were freezing. If I hear one more of these pointless statuses on Facebook, I might scream. If you all love rain so much, move to Washington or the East Coast. Save room for the people who want hot California weather, stop taking up space. You all are just pissing me off.


a said...

You get a few months of sunshine, over here in England we are lucky if we get a day

Franchesca said...

I agree. Rain is the worst!

Sabrina W said...

so so true