Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away!!!

All over facebook people are posting, "snuggle weather <3" or "it's raining :)" to which I say, "What is wrong with you people?" Have you forgotten the long, hideous winter we had? The winter that didn't end until June? Seriously, this year we have had a total of three months of sunshine, what is this? This is California! The sunshine state! I see no sunshine!

There is probably nothing I hate more than being cold. No I do not look forward to snuggling, no hot chocolate will not make it all better, and no Christmas does not make up for it! I should live in Hawaii, where it is hot even in December. Either way, it is completely unfair that only three months of the year was sunny. Mother nature, please reconsider.


Yasmine_B said...

I agree completely. I hate rain, especially when we have to face it at school. Ew.

Mason said...

I agree too! The rain is just annoying! Sunny weather definitely is more comfortable.

**Ashley Jones** said...

Finally somebody agrees with me. Rain and cold weather do nothing except put me in a terrible mood, and when I hear people talk about how "amazing" it is, it just makes me want to screm.