Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I Should Be Canadian

Fall, the beginning of sweatshirts, UGGs and rain. I hate all of it, I'd rather be on a beach getting a tan. However, I'm more of a person who looks on the bright side of things, so fall also means football and hockey. I know what you are thinking. Hockey? Yes. It's not a very popular sport in our country, but it is life and death for the people of Canada. Hockey is one of my favorite sports to watch! It's so exciting, but only if you are into it; otherwise, it is beyond boring. I never liked it until my uncle got my family tickets to a San Jose Sharks game 4 years ago. Our seats were right on the glass, behind the goalie. It was easily the best experience of my life. I could ramble on and on about how much I love the sport, but in reality, most of you are reading this thinking, "Who cares?". So I'm not going to bother. At least give it a shot, you may be surprised.

1 comment:

Sabrina W said...

I totally agree abot the rain, it sucks.