Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Religion is a touchy subject. Even just typing the word evokes sudden thoughts of prejudice. This one single idea has caused so many schisms, strife, and hatred in the world. Isn't religion suppose to be a refuge for people seeking something to believe and have faith in? To the spiritually right, religion was never intended for that.
I think of it as a personal entity. Something that gives the indivudal hope of something greater in the future. It gives people the strength to live their life morally correct.
To me, religion is this elusive bridge between your reality and what you believe. Its your OWN. Religion gives you power to do what you believe in. The choices and decisions you make for your belief are all up to you.

Okay, now why blog about something as random as religion?

I am a Buddhist and know that I will always be a Buddhist. But, somehow to friends
close to me, that isn't good enough. My belief, they say, is not valid. It doesn't correspond with what they believe in and so it's "non-existance". I always hold my tongue but I just want to burst out screaming, "It's what I believe! This is who
I am! Get over it."

Isn't that hard to just let me be? To let me live my life without having to make me question myself? Religion is my personal refuge. Yet, for the past few years, their religious fervor has clouded this sacred belief that I have.

All I have to say is just leave me be. Don't try to convert me, don't try to force me into finding the greater being of some other religion, and don't force to me to find your so-called god.

I have my beliefs. Deal with it.

(just needed to rant... thanks)

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