Monday, October 31, 2011

I'm weird.

A few days ago during class, I was sitting there tuning out the monotone droan of my teacher's lecture, and I realized something. I'm weird. The more I think about it, the more I realize I am definitely not like every other teenage girl. Let me explain a little...

First off, I love girly things: shopping, clothes, make up, jewelry, chick flicks, anything you can think of. I spend an hour getting ready in the morning, and I have more shoes than the capacity of my closet, and I read fashion magazines over the newspaper. My nails are always painted and I'm always after the new designer bag.

Here comes the catch. One 0f my favorite things in life is sports. Football, baseball, hockey, UFC, I don't care what it is but I love it! For the past 12 years I have played soccer basically my entire life, and I play on a comp team. I'm a die hard San Francisco Giants, San Jose Sharks, and Minnesota Vikings fan. One of the happiest days of my life was when the Giants won the World Series. During football season, my Sundays involve my butt on the couch all day. Not only to watch the Vikings, but every other team playing to watch my players for my Fantasy Football team. And in case any of you are wondering, no, I'm not one of those girls who Google what a strikeout or a touchdown is so they can impress all the guys. My bedroom walls are filled with Adrian Peterson posters, autographed hockey jerseys and so much more.

Along with my girly side, and my athletic side, there also comes a nerdy side. I have had straight A's my entire life and will never settle for anything less. Math is my aboslute favorite subject, and I actually don't mind doing the homework. I spend my weekend mornings and afternoons playing Scrabble with my dad. I wear glasses, I read my horoscope every day and I love watching game shows on TV.

I could write an entire essay on how different I am, but I'm a little worried if too many people read this I won't have any friends anymore. So we will leave it at this :-)

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