Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sierra College

Exactly a week ago from today I, along with two other friends, began class a Sierra College. After thoroughly enjoying AP Psychology I thought it would be interesting to take a class on Social Psychology and further my knowledge on the subject. Because of school and extra-curricular activities I decided the best time to take the class would be at night. Being the first day of the fall semester the parking lot was very crowded and the temporary parking permit dispenser was not working. After several attempts and $2.00 in coins we called maintenance to come help us. When they did not arrive quickly we were forced to leave our cars without permits and rush to class. After arriving late we found three seats in the back of the room and tried to sit down as quietly as possible. Class was not nearly as exciting as our parking lot situation had been, in fact, it was the complete opposite. Being an upper level psychology class on a college campus I expected a more rigorous curriculum, but instead I felt like I was back in freshmen year of high school. The three hour class dragged on forever as the professor listed endless examples of topics we had mastered a year ago. I was unimpressed and bored with the teaching style and a little frightened by others in the class. I only hope today’s class will be better.


RHS Flash said...

Love the image around parking vs. the boredom of lecture style. It is so that way too often... but hang with it, when you get a good prof it's so cool. cn

Elisabeth said...

Oh kindergarten jail...hopefully it will get more interesting. I think last class was especially boring because Katherine wasn't there. I miss her. But seriously I think that its a good thing that we are taking this class and that it will overall be a good experience.