Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I Love the Human Race, It's People I Can't Stand.

My underlying hate for people increasingly worsens as the days of school pass. Not to put a negative twist on my first blog entry of the year, but some of the people at Rocklin High just pluck my last nerve. Whether I'm walking to class or sitting at lunch, I see those people that harass my eyes and strangle my sanity. Freshman and sophomore girls wearing shorts so short they look like underwear and tank tops with their pubescent chests pushed up in Victoria's Secret Miraclicious bras. Why doesn't administration punish them? Answer me that Mrs. Mary Anne Knox. My friends and I get called out for wearing shirts revealing a simple shoulder, it's not nearly as bad as showing thousands of hormonal teenagers their "lady parts". Disgusting. Yet another thing, I know for a fact there is a wee bit of favoritism going on in the administration building, for just the other day I saw a kiss a** junior walk right by an administrator wearing a tank top....what happens? Nothing. I was livid. My rant is over, my blood is boiling as I type remembering all of those people that walk into my vicinity, staring me down for not wearing makeup. Sorry I don't cake it on guys, hate to disappoint.


peterryanson said...

that was freaking hilarious, nice blog

Holly said...

Yeah, this is awesome.

Amber C said...

This is so true!!! Made me laugh.

Anonymous said...

this is so true! the other day i was wearing a shirt that had lace on the shoulders and i got in trouble because my bra strap was showing yet girls walkv around with half there stomach showing and nothing happens..

Jessica Nettleton said...

very accurate

Emily Lawrence said...

thanks guys hahaha just keepin it real

Anonymous said...

hahahah this is awesome!