Monday, August 22, 2011


Unfortunately, summer has been and gone once again. Like many others, I procrastinated my homework until August, which was when I figured that I really needed to finish. That summer mentality has stayed with me through the start of the new school year. Today, I got home from school, sat down to do my homework, and what was the first thing I did? I checked my e-mail, facebook, the news, cell phone, etc. The phone just rang, and I jumped up to answer, just so I wouldn't have to work on homework. Hopefully, I'll be able to kick this habit by the time homework is overwhelmingly being handed out in every class. All I want to do every day, is either fall asleep, or slump on the couch and watch television. Instead, I have to do homework. I don't even have a heavy load of homework since it's the beginning of school, and my schedule isn't as bad as many people's are. Today, I had a tiny bit of homework, and now I only have one worksheet left.... I looked at the first question and decided to blog instead. Every year, people say to me, next years going to be hard, next years going to be hard, and this year, I think it will be. Many high schoolers feel the pressure of school, homework, friends, and sports. I am merely one of them.

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

Sometimes, you just gotta take a break...