Friday, August 19, 2011

The Book

Even before the school year started, I had this ambition to finish or at least, write half of the book I am currently writing. But ever since the school year has started, I've been having all the inspiration I had from the beginning- slowly drift away, leaving me empty headed on what I should write and how I should write it next.
So I guess that until I get the inspiration again, my book will just sit in my laptop, waiting for another year while I focus on school? Nah!!! I'm not giving up and I'm certainly not giving in to the hardship of the school homework. Leaving it until school is over might be the easy way out, but you should always go for the hard obstacle in life and overcome it. Right :3?


RHS Flash said...

Sometimes you just gotta write. That's what a blog is good for.

Rhiannon said...

I think that you should write your book as soon as possible, and then give it to your English teacher to edit, because then it would be extremely amazing... and then you could send it in and get scholarships and stuff from it! That would be nice wouldn't it?