Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I'm turning 15 tomorrow, my quincinera, and I'm celebrating it at Fats like I did last year. I feel really old, I know I'm not but I want to be turning 10 and still be on the kids menu. Although it is pretty cool because as I get older I get closer to driving and having a job. The question is, how exciting is that really? With driving and a job also comes more responsiblity. The best part however is freedom, I am almost free of Rocklin! Well, not really I still have 3 more years. I got through Freshman year fine now it is time to kick it up a notch for the hardest year...sophomore power? How did this blog go from my birthday to being a sophomore?! All i know is I haven't told my parents what i want for my birthday so I'm not getting anything. They said I can tell them in a few weeks when i think of it, so thats good. I am slightly scared for what my best friend and boyfriend have in store for me though...well, hopefully a midnight phone call is in store, I love those!

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

It does go quickly. I laughed at your trying to figure out where the blog took you. cn