Monday, August 29, 2011


This might be incredibly strange, but so far I am really enjoying AP World. Yesterday, I outlined two chapters for this coming week, and though it was time consuming, I really enjoyed it. I felt like I learned so much in one day. I came down this morning, and started telling my parents everything I had learned, but they told me to stop because they did not want to hear about heavy topics so early in the morning. I however, did not stop, and kept telling them everything, because I thought it was interesting. I have not taken a test yet, and who knows? maybe that will change my opinion of the class, but probably not. All in all, it seems like a stressful, but good class.


RHS Flash said...

Great teachers make for interesting subjects... I think you'll love this and do brilliantly. cn

Yasmine_B said...

AP World was oddly enough my favorite class sophomore year. It made me love history and as Mr. O'Donnell said, I can now understand more jokes!

Liz said...

I too like Ap World History so far. It helps to have a great teacher and an interesting topic that you are forced to read, because then it isn't forced, but a wanted reading. But I feel the same as you(: History is a good class

Mason said...

Wow, it's really good that you are liking AP World so far.. last year we had to do so much at the begining of the year! It was awful!