Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sick again

This is the third time I've been sick this school year. And I've noticed a trend. When school work starts to pile up, I start staying up later and later to finish it. This time, I stayed up until one in the morning and then woke up again at five studying for an AP world test that was moved forward from Thrusday to Tuesday. So I crammed. Whenever I do this, I guess my immune system shuts down. I was also hanging around friends who have recently been sick, so it was easy for me to catch their bug. And this is about the worst week for me to be missing school. We are coming down to the end of the quarter, so teachers like throwing in all these last minute tests. I'm missing a math test, chem test, and English test. I also won't be at school to help my print issue group finish our page.

But at least I ended up scoring well on my AP world test:) So was it worth it?


I'm just sick and tired of school affecting my health. I'm ready for another break please!

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