Thursday, March 11, 2010


I figured I should probably explain why I'm starting to get a reputation for "consistency."

Be mindful that I don't intend for consistency to be exercised in a bad habit. I do embrace change and I do appreciate creativity. Inconsistency is okay if it's a part of improvement.

Sure, consistency can mean wearing the same shirt everyday, or even the opposite of imagination. To me, though, it means something worth much more.

Consistency is...
telling a story the way it is. Telling the truth. Being HONEST.

Consistency is...
things making sense. For example, if someone wanted to improve their grades, but always watched TV instead of making the extra effort, then why are they upset with their poor grade? Consistency is LOGIC.

Consistency is...
Staying true to yourself, your family, your friends, your beliefs. It would be inconsistent to pretend to be someone's friend one minute, but betray them the next. Consistency is LOYALTY.

Consistency is...
Following through. Being dedicated. Say I agree to do my part of a school project, but I flake. That would be inconsistent. Consistency is DEPENDABILITY.

Consistency is...
saying what you mean and meaning what you say. This compliments honesty. To think one thing but verbalize the complete opposite is pointless . Consistency is SINCERITY.

Consistency is...
treating others the way you would want to be treated. We're all humans, therefore all worthy of RESPECT.

Hope that clears things up a bit.

Tell me what you think.

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