Monday, March 22, 2010

Senior Ball

I believe that most girls at RHS have their dresses already picked out. The thing is, I don't have my dress, but I have it drawn out. Yes, it is going to be custom made by my mom and I. I just love the fact that no one else is going to have my dress and I don't have to worry about any dress looking like mine or anything like that. It is going to be a short dress at the knee. I can't stand stepping on people's long dresses when I dance, and I wouldn't want to worry about people stepping on mine. The inspiration for my dress came from a designer called Alyce. She has her own website, and the category I saw my inspiration dress was under After Five. It's a whole new 2010 collection for prom/ball dresses. So, if you are still looking for a dress, look her website up and find where they sell them. Yes, they are really expensive, so that's why I am making mine. What you guys should also think about is making your dress too. It would be a problem if no one in your family knows how to sew, so I guess this doesn't apply to you. But, it will be a lot cheaper than getting a dress at nordstroms. But, if you are still looking for a dress and can't make one or find one that is inexpensive, try looking at Nordstroms Rack, Forever 21, and JC Penney. Other stores also have dresses that were styled in 2009 or earlier, so they should be less expensive as well. All of my dresses I have bought for dances in the past have been $35 and under, so listen to me!!! It also helps if you already have shoes or jewelry so you don't have to go out and buy any. And to prevent that from happening, just pick out your shoes and jewelry and pick out your dress based on the accessories you already have. I could go on and on about what to do for Senior Ball, but ask me if you have any questions, I'll help you out. But, don't ask me about finding a date, I can't help you there. :)

1 comment:

victoria said...

thats really cool! I have thought about doing that before, but I definitely don't have the time.