Friday, March 19, 2010

China's Coming

So I just read an article on the New York Times and it appears that for the first time ever, high-tech research firms and top ranking scientists are beginning to move from the U.S. to China and not the other way around. Of course, there are still more Chinese that come to America then Americans that go to China, but the fact that people are beginning to consider China a nation of innovation and research is significant. It goes to show that they are on a track to becoming a very powerful world economy and even a full on rival for the U.S. economy. Now personally I am not yet convinced that the Chinese economy can remain self-sustaining in the long run. No one is allowed to have an 8% annual growth in their GDP with the consistency that China has had, no one. It seems to me that they might end up crashing and burning, but I could easily be wrong. Either way, if things don't change quickly, then there will be a new contender in global R&D very soon.


KryptoChicken said...

No surprise there. Seems like almost every product in the U.S. says made in China. Either that or Japan. Or Taiwan.

Paige said...

Diddo ^^