Thursday, March 18, 2010


Only two weeks left until I know exactly where I will be going for the next four years of my life... and I just realized that I will be surrounded by my entire extended family when I'm receiving the news. So that could be either blissful or tormenting.
I was glad to let this issue slip from my mind but as soon as the UCLA letters went out it reminded me that it was formally starting. I wish everything would just come out at once so the good news could come at the same time as the bad.
But I am looking forward to going to Louisiana for Spring Break! But it's less of a break with all the "senior" things I need to accomplish throughout it, like Assist-a-Grad, etc. At least it's distracting.

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

Thre break will do you good... and you will do well wherever you end up. cn