Monday, July 9, 2012


This Summer has been one full of surprises, it hasn't gone like I thought it would at all which is a good and a bad thing. I'm coping with the drama, getting sun in my spare time, reading when I can, and going on rollercoasters as much as possible. I went on the new Superman rollercoaster at Six Flags the day it opened which was awesome and I have a season pass, so I can't go enough of it. :D I had my one year anniversary with my boyfriend at the melting pot (ooo, fancy!) and what I have learned is that long term relationships are tough but worth it. I have been using Instagram religiously, I love taking pictures with my phone and if you look at Instagram I think you can learn a lot about me. My most recent adventure started yesterday when I got a call from Marilyn Brown, the lady who sets up French foriegn exchange students and she tells me they have one more girl that needs a host family. At first I was like, no way, but now after seeing how my Summer has belly flopped in some ways...I am really thinking it is just what I need. I love learning about other cultures and the best way to do that is through the people who live there. So I convinced my parents to buy a futon(which are really cheap) for her to sleep on and get this culture exchange going! If all goes as planned (nothing is 100% yet) she would be arriving this friday July 13th, and leaving August 1st. Let us see how the rest of this Summer plays out...

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