Saturday, July 28, 2012

Cien años de soledad...

So today, my family and I went to go relax and read at Barnes and Noble for a while. I decided to use that time to continue reading One Hundred Years of Solitude, one of the many books I have to read over the summer for AP Lit. However, I could not find it in the Literature section. So I walked over to the foreign language section and found a copy of Cien años de soledad (the original Spanish version), sat down, and started reading it. That went interestingly... It's weird to start a book in one language and then continue reading it in another. Also I'm much better at English than I am at Spanish, so I had to read a lot slower. There was a lot of vocabulary I had to take an educated guess at. But for the most part, I understood it. Thank you, 4 years of Spanish classes, for saving me from having to go find an employee and ask him where the English version of the book was.


Taylor said...

hahaha that's pretty interesting. At least you could mostly comprehend what the book was about. :)

/ said...