Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lie to Me

My family just got a Netflix account and I've been utterly obsessed with it. I've been watching plenty of movies, of course, but I can't stop watching this one show called Lie to Me. It's sort of a detective show, but the main characters solve the crime by simply talking to witnesses. The main character is a master of lie detection. He can tell if a person is lying simply by watching them talk.

The best part though, is that the characters explain how they can tell who is lying, so the viewer feels like a detective. Since I'm pretty clueless at playing detective, this is new and exciting. I feel like Sherlock Holmes(and yes, I've been watching Sherlock also).

I've always liked shows about murder and solving crimes, but this series is nothing like everything I've ever seen before. Unfortunately, I'm a bit of a baby when it comes to scary anything, so I can't watch Lie to Me at night. I'm not even joking. As soon as it gets dark outside, I switch to What NOT to Wear or cartoons.


Franchesca said...

I used to love that show! I don't think it's on anymore though:(

Rhiannon said...

I love that show too! I watched it all on Netflix, and it is so addicting!

Shelby B. said...

I absolutely LOVE Netflix and i'm obsessed with watching How I Met Your Mother! :)