Thursday, July 19, 2012

Deadly Crimes? Nope.

So today, while I was at Mock Trial practice, I got a text from my mom that a shooting had occurred near my house, and to be careful going home. I was pretty concerned, and decided to avoid that street. I did drive past it though, and noticed several police cars, fire trucks, and an armored truck on the scene, as well as what I later learned was a SWAT team. Then, when I got home, I went to KCRA's website to read up on the incident. Apparently, someone started randomly firing a shotgun out of their driveway, resulting in many 911 calls, and the aforementioned emergency forces surrounding the area. A few minutes ago I decided to check back on that story. Here is the link to what it says now: Turns out the guy was firing a pellet gun that only sounded like a shotgun. According to the article, no charges will be filed. Typical Rocklin. For a few hours, the neighborhood resembles a major crime scene, until the police realize that their fears were mistaken, and no one even did anything criminal enough to merit a trial.