Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Thanks to Juli, I now have a new perspective on reindeer.

Christmas time is the time for the singing of "Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer". Everyone knows he has a shiny nose and that it glows. But happens when you read in between the lines?

Before Rudolf became the shiny hero, he was shunned by his society. They wouldn't be nice to him and kept him out of their business. And then BAM- Santa comes along and says "Hey you! Rudolf. Come and guide me to the people so they can get their presents!"

And then the story ends happily and yada yada yada. But what ever happened to the other reindeer??? Some of them might be all like, "GO RUDOLF!! SAVE SANTA AND CHRISTMAS!" But maybe some of them kept grudges.... and were all like "Rudolf?? You think you can be shunned by society by us and then LOVED BY THE WORLD ALL of a sudden?? NO! Just no. That is NOT okay! You may be loved by the world and by the little kids with all of their toys, but we shall hold a grudge!"

AND THAT is why I am now afraid for Rudolf, for whenever he returns to his home and all of the other reindeer, I am worried that this will be his "welcome home" and I will now go and cut up extra carrots for him and then write a letter to Santa to let him know of the apparent shunning of his favorite reindeer by his society.

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