Saturday, December 8, 2012

End Of The World? No, But Definitely The End Of Keys

I had something very troubling happen two weeks ago. I was getting ready to watch some show on Hulu and I was cozied up with some food, cookies, and milk next to me. As I prepared myself to relax, I pick up my glass of milk to stupidly drop it on my laptop. Joyous! My initial reaction: F#@^%$&$#!&$^(#$%^&@$%*$^&(#%&@$*$%^*% NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That can't happen! My beloved laptop that has all my newest essays and old essays and stuff on it! So I grabbed the closest thing to me which happened to be a shirt that I just got out of the laundry and ruined it by cleaning up the milk. I was relieved because there was barely and milk on the keyboard and I flipped my computer upside down and cleaned the rest of the milk. I read to turn off the computer and leave it there so the liquid can dry and whatnot that liquid does, but alas, I couldn't stay away because I had an essay due the day after I spilled milk. After that, though, I left it alone. Now, my keys are forever broken and I am forever displeased with the computer. I feel like my keyboard just abandoned me. I didn't even spill that much on it. I swear I'm going to start singing "Baby come back!" to my keys, it's not the same when the letters like n, t, f, c, etc. aren't working. I figured, it's chill if the keys don't work because there's a computer in the living room. To my dismay, I find that nothing will make that computer work. I swear everything is on, but the keyboard for that and the mouse don't do anything. I. I am displeased. I'm sorry keyboard! Come back to me. Become a zombie, work again, d#%^ you! If Santa's real, then get me a new keyboard or laptop! I can't live without my keys!

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