Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Oh Blogging

Blogging. What a wonderful thing to do. Whether its when you procrastinate, have some free time (yeah right), or just because your bored, Blogging will always be there.
Now I know some people have it way worse than I do, with the 4+ advanced classes, honors, or AP work, but I have numerous tests next week. 5 to be exact. :P I hope my teachers don't assign anymore of them. I don't understand how that, even though they need to cram all this information into our brains before the semester ends, that us students will be able to pass every single one of them. I do not know how thats even possible. This week and the following week will is the worst yet for most RHS students, as far as I'm concerned of. Hopefully we can get through all the madness.

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