Sunday, February 6, 2011


Yes, today is the big day. Steelers vs Packers. I am not a huge football fan. In fact, I am not really a football fan at all. However, I enjoy watching the superbowl. This year, I am expecting the half time show to be better than years past, seeing as I actually know the group that is performing! haha :) I find it funny that this is the only show that I wish not to fast forward through commercials on. I am honestly really interested in watching the commercials. Perhaps even more interested in those than in the game itself...

Anyhow, I hope the Steelers win! I do not really know why I want them to win. I like their name better :) hahaha baseball is way more my thing!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I am so glad Packers won even though it happened like a week ago!!!!!