Friday, February 11, 2011

Friends Re-runs

The epitome of sitcom television between 1994-2004 must have been my personal favorite, FRIENDS.

I don't know why but this show is addicting and quite hilarious. I will have to admit though, nearing the last few seasons the script got a little too cheesy and not enough genuine comic relief. But still, good enough to suffice the millions of viewers that it had.

If you haven't seen FRIENDS (which is a complete tragedy), it's about these 6 friends who live in New York City and every show, thye experience new events in their lives. Some may call it a spin-off of Seinfield, which is a valid statement, but it is equally funny, if not more.

I have been watching Friends since last summer when I started borrowing the full season discs from my friend and I have been hooked ever since!!!

For those of you who have seen Friends, I first applaud you. And secondly, I have to say that Joey Tribbiani is my favorite.

1 comment:

Hannah Vahldick said...

Each cast member got $1 million per episode. That's just ridiculous lol