Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hyperbole and a Half

I recommend you all go check out this blog:

My cousin showed me this source of hilarity a while back, and I must say, it's brilliant. The blogger, Allie Brosh, started said blog as a way to procrastinate from doing her physics work. She tells of the outrageous antics of her childhood, pet peeves, and funny situations with a combination of creative pictures and remarkably witty text.

I admire her blogging a lot because of her comedic writing style and artistic talent. In everything she posts it's clear that she has a natural born talent for comic drawing and telling stories.

One of my favorite posts is when she was talking about how people often spell 'a lot' as 'alot' and how she thinks of an 'alot' as some beast-like creature. Now whenever I type 'a lot', it has been ingrained into me to spell it right so as to avoid referring to this furry creature.

I hope that one day I will be able to write and draw like Allie Brosh. She has impressive natural talent and I look up to her. A lot.

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