Sunday, February 6, 2011

Eenie Meenie Miney Moe

I'm terrible at making decisions. No matter how big or small. It takes me too long to decide what to order at restaurants or basically anywhere else that requires me to choose something that I usually resort to eenie meenie miney moe. Because of my difficulty choosing things, I seem to develop traditions and rituals to avoid making new decisions. This makes me worry though that I could be missing out on a lot just because I'm choosing what I'm used to instead of trying new things. Senior year is quickly approaching and there are so many opportunities that come along with that. For instance: Do I want to spend next year studying all the time so that I can get into a good college or do I want to have fun and make the most of my last year in high school? Obviously, I'm going to try to find a happy medium but it's hard because I would have to sacrifice a lot no matter what. Hopefully, I will learn to get better at making decisions because there are going to be a whole lot more for me to make during my lifetime.

1 comment:

Yasmine_B said...

I'm also unsure of senior year. I'm not sure whether to take it easy with six classes or take more. When deciding about classes I usually feel like I have an easy year ahead but at the last minute I choose more difficult things.