Friday, February 11, 2011

New York

Yesterday, I found out that my mom had been talking to our second-cousin-of-someone-or-another, and she said that he had invited us to his grand opening of his new high-class French restaurant in New York!

How pumped am I? Pretty pumped.

Mom tells me he is this most talented chef and that he knew me and my brothers when we were little before he took off for the East Coast. His mom and my mom were pretty tight in college and what not but that's just a blast from the past...

Anyways, he invited my family to come but it looks like it might be just me, my aunt, and my mother. It's in March, so still enough time for something to come up and not allow us to go... but whatever happens, happens!


Yasmine_B said...

Being a chef at a French restaurant in New York would be the most fun job ever!

Michelle said...

I know what you're saying!!! That would be a totally wicked job

Chelsea Y said...

Wow that's cool, we have family in New York lol

Alisha said...

New York is my FAVORITE place in the entire universe. That's awesome!!