Thursday, January 17, 2013

On Our Way

Right this second, I'm sitting in my chair staring at my computer screen because I just can't comprehend how much I have to do, and how little time I have to do it.

So far, junior year is by far the hardest. With only one AP last year... sigh. I wish I could go back to that. I actually liked AP World, and would give anything to not really have to study for anything but that.

I think junior year's the hardest because along with taking hard classes, we also have to study for the SAT's and the ACT's (whichever one).

The best part about junior year though, is that there are a lot of lasts. For example, this is the last year we take the CST's, this is the last year before applying for college, this is the last graduation before our own...

However, the best part of my junior year is, by far, French. French 4 is my favorite class, and I wish I could stay there all day, every day.

I just really want this semester to go by quickly. I don't know about everyone else, but I want to sleeeeep.

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