Monday, December 7, 2009


Today was an unusual day in Rocklin waking up to find snow! It has not snowed in Rocklin since January of 2002. It was unfortunate that is was really cold, but I know many students were just really excited about the snow. When I was walknig onto the campus, a bunch of seniors in the parking lot were throwing snowballs at each using the snow that accumulated on their cars. I thought it was pretty funny, especially because of how big of a deal Rocklin students think the snow is. But it definitely is, if you realize that it is really rare for this town. However, RHS teachers that are Auburn residents (ie. James, McCullough, Sellers) weren't able to arrive to school because they were snowed in! Hopefully, the snow will melt quickly so they won't be stuck for awhile!

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

There's another good story... some of the same folks hit by the firss! Kids are funny about snow, always.