Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Getting Plastic Surgery on Monday

I won't be in class on Monday (missing another journalism class) because of an operation-plastic surgery, something I never thought I would never get. It's nothing drastic or vain, although it is cosmetic. Basically my earring hole/piercing tore terribly and I haven't been able to wear earrings for a while because of it. The procedure will refill this hole (and it shouldn't really hurt), but it is weird to think I am getting plastic surgery. My friend and I agreed that: yes, it would be nice to look super hot and have a 10 on every feature, but then again, there are risks to everything...and I'm a bit too "prude"/religious to experiment with that anyway. No one's perfect and even models have some flaw before Photoshop.

Just one year until I can repierce my ears and wear the cute coconut shell earrings my amiga brought me from Mexico.

Note: this is the same procedure someone with gages (spelling?) would undergo to have normal ears again..eeeeek

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You spelled gauges right :)
And good luck Amanda!