Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blah Blah Blah

No, not the Kesha song. It's the phrase that is going through my mind right now, as I look at this pile of homework in front of me. I really should be doing this, but I'm not. Not yet at least. Is it just me, or did the teachers save all of the most stressful projects to do at the end of the year? I have an essay due, a creative writing piece to start, a math final exam coming up, a science exam, another science exam, a huge history presentation, and a piano recital.....All in the next 11 days. Great. Shoot me now.
The only thing i can think is that "In less than 2 weeks, it'll be over". Thank god. But really. Are the teacher's even going to look at these projects? On top of that, I have club activites, and a super scary interview for an officer position in Multicultural. This weekend, I'm going with 2 other memberse of Multicultural to a party for a major sponsor of ours. They gave us a 1000 for Multicultural week...I think we have to talk about what we did, except I don't think I can remember that far back. It was a couple months ago...Right?
It seems like these last two weeks are going to be 10x more intense than the rest of the year was. On top of that, I haven't got a good 8-hour night's sleep in who knows how long. But there will be plenty of time for sleeping over the summer. But I know that once I get into the routine of sleeping all day, and doing whatever I want whenever, I'm going to miss school. I'll definitely miss my friends, and I probably even miss class.....Well, no point predicting the future, right? It's homework time.

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