Thursday, February 7, 2013

I don't know

I could not for the life of me create a fantastic title for this blog. I'm pretty sure no one other than me will read this either, because of my boring posting and title. I just figured I have a small fraction of free time so I decided to blog. Its raining today! I'm kinda happy because I like rain, in small amounts that is. I like it when rain is just kinda misty or only little drops of water fall delicately on your face and you don't have to wear a hood. Its just sort of peaceful, in a way, I like it. Today in my English class we got three tests back (talk about stressful!) I got back a vocabulary test, and two Night tests. I did surprisingly well! I'm so proud of myself. I only missed one on the vocab test, got an 84% on the first Night test and 91% on the second one! I just about freaked out and wiggled in my seat with happiness once I saw my score. I couldn't believe it, haha! I thought I did really horrible on the second Night test because there were some parts on the test that I didn't study enough, so I was really worried. I proved myself wrong though! I love that feeling. It doesn't happen very often.

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